
Marcelo Costa

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Creating a game called Doom in... Python!


As someone that worked with video games for more than 10 years (started as a media member, then a PR and finally a QA tester), It was always one of my goals to learn programming to create something. Even though I haven't reached an amazing programming level, I followed a tutorial provided by StanislavPetrovV. The objective here was to not only push a videogame program but to train and understand how powerful Python can be. The code autor is StanislavPetrovV, and this is merely a Python practice. Down here I explain how the game functions as it was built.

How it works?

The game runs in PyGame engine in a total of 12 py files. It features only one level with a bunch of enemies. The interesting was using Python logic to design enemy AI and gameplay mechanics. Once my gameplay was working, I've added game assets, such as the character models, textures, and sounds. Python's logic controls the various elements of the game, such as the player character, enemies, and other objects. Finally, I've tested and debugged the game to ensure it is functioning properly and is enjoyable to play.

Tetris in


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Coming soon!

Thanks for the visit! ☺

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Marcelo Costa